New piano in old case
It sometimes happens that pianos with beautiful cases are inherited or purchased. During a subsequent appraisal or a tuning appointment, it often turns out that the substance of the instrument no longer allows tuning or meaningful playing. In this case we have the possibility to put new into old with a new interior (soundboard, detents, action and keyboard). If you own such an instrument and are affected by this issue, we will be happy to advise you.Appraisal – Inspection – Repair information
We experience time and again with customers that partial repairs have been carried out on instruments and that essential weaknesses of the instrument have not been pointed out. Thus, it can happen that although some improvements were made during a repair, the instrument as a whole still does not sound right or play properly. We recommend having an inspection / appraisal done to get a better estimate of the condition of your instrument. Only a master craftsman with many years of professional experience can detect hard-to-see defects or damage.Bösendorfer grand piano Modell 290 cm Imperial
This concert grand piano from 2018, is in mint condition and equipped with a Damp Chaser system to match the size. Listen and play for yourself.Steingraeber Concert grand piano
Almost the entire model range of Steingraeber instruments is available to you in our store. Listen and play for yourself, preferably by appointment. You are welcome to try out the interesting special features such as the magnetic action on the upright and the Sordino pedal as well as the Mozart slide on the grand piano!
Best bidder versus lowest bidder
The fact that it is no longer a matter of course to find very good service technicians and tuners everywhere is noticeable not only to pianists, music schools and universities, but also to many hobby players. When choosing a service partner, it is up to each client to decide whether he will find sufficient specialists in the future. Not every company offers the path from apprenticeship to skilled worker to concert technician (unfortunately, only a few companies invest in the training of young up-and-coming specialists).