30 years die klaviermachermeister
30 years die klaviermachermeister AmaZone Sprungbrett Awards The amaZone Award is the prize for companies in Vienna and the surrounding area that excel in promoting female apprentices in professions with…
30 years die klaviermachermeister AmaZone Sprungbrett Awards The amaZone Award is the prize for companies in Vienna and the surrounding area that excel in promoting female apprentices in professions with…
In the Kunsthandwerkezeitung, published in December 2019, we examine the topic of apprenticeship training in the context of "best bidder, not cheapest bidder".
By equating Bachelor's and "Meister" qualifications, the master craftsman examination regulations for the skilled trades are currently being adapted to the requirements of the NQF (National Qualifications Framework). This means…